Take me to McDonalds!


Yes, those were the boy’s first words as he left the hospital today 🙂

Drew left w/ his picc line still in his arm. He’ll get antibiotics to get his blood count down and battle the infection that is still in his system. J talked to him a few hours ago, he’s watching the basketball game and very happy to be home.

Tonight we had the first night of our sales meetings, I took pictures, was chatty cathy and had a cocktail. Our reps and factories all come together and it’s a little rah rah and educational at the same time. Tomorrow I’m working in the office all day then J and I are going to go to The Chocolate Bar (where we brought Bossy when she was in town).  We’re going w/ our reps from the Cincy area that are VERY fun.

MRI results are in on Thursday for now I’m still wearing the lovely ace bandage that makes it feel better.

Thank you all VERY MUCH for all your prayers and support through a very stressful week. Can  you believe that it was 7 days..well 2 days of him puking his guts out at our house..it feels like it was a month.

Well time to watch some bball w/ J then hit the hay!

12 responses »

  1. Glad to hear Drew is feeling better! Life will get back to normal for you now….whatever normal is I guess!
    Will check back again soon…things are kind of crazy around here, will update sometime soon when I stop feeling sorry for myself!


    GEEZE MP! What a week. I’m so glad you’re through the very hellish worst of it now. I hope you’re able to get lots and lots of extra sleep for a while, and that the results of your MRI are good. -Good meaning that it leads to some kind of simple, fast, effective treatment.

    Ya done good this week. I’d give you a medal if I had one. Maybe three 🙂

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