A little Bit of This and A Little Bit of That


Hi… I’m working today and have been fairly busy but I’ve also been trying to catch up on my reading.

Look at that. You Make My Day Award. I received that from my friend Melissa!

Melissa gave the award in the spirit of the commentors. I have been over thinking who to give this too and it’s really driving me nuts. I’ve added, deleted..I’m such a people pleaser I had like 25 names down and I thought this is CRAZY…I’m stressing out over giving a blog award. Really SO many people make my day, every day..especially when you comment. Here are 11 awards to bloggie friends that have recently left a comment on my blog. This is random cause I love EVERY commentor.

Next up: J’s family is a little crazy. I’m just saying. I’m not going to blog the specifics..it’s just taken Grandma’s death a little out of context..

TV: Did you hear, the writers strike is over. I keep singing in my head The Stife is ‘Ore..you know that church song?

American Idol: My favorites are the 16 year old cutie boy, the Aussie guy, the Irish girl, the black/white girl from Joplin and the blond Carly Simon girl. Top 24 are annouced tonight.

Big Brother: Hmmm I don’t know what to think about this one. It was OK. I know I’ll be suckered in. I wanted to like the old gal but I didn’t..and I’m bummed that they split the couple up and the homeless guy creeps me out.

You reading the Women’s Murder Club by James Patterson? 7th Heaven came out. I picked it up the other night at Target and finished it last night. Great story, quick read!

OK..back to work. You’ll find me tomorrow at Pumpkin’s. ♥

Wanna learn how to make the heart? I found out at Skittles Place . She knows how to do EVERYTHING!

type out : & hearts ; Just squish those three things together and you get a heart ♥

8 responses »

  1. Thanks for dropping by AND for giving me some linky love!

    Congrats on your award.

    I was SO looking forward to the beginning of Hollywood week. The with the election results coming in and being so close, me and hubby opted to watch the news.

    I’m currently reading James Patterson’s Jack & Jill!

  2. Oh you are sweet! Thank you!!

    I don’t watch American Idol or Big Brother but I am crazy for Project Runway. It is fierce. I’m so over that Christian fierce thing.

  3. Aw shucks thanks so much!
    I heard an A.I. rumor that the Irish girl had a singing contract in Ireland with a mulimillion dollar deal to sell CDS and they only sold hundreds dollars in cd’s. Thats what I heard anyway.

  4. I’m watching AI too and like the same people as you except not so sure about the black and white haired girl… my favorite is the Aussie guy for sure!

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